Keeping kids busy is not easy task; especially when they are young, inquisitive and active. If you are looking for an app that not only keeps your little ones engaged, but also helps them learn a little about animals, what …

If you’ve had your fill of all those tower defense games out there and think there’s nothing left that can provide the challenge you need to keep things interesting, then look to Module TD. Sci-Fi Tower Defense. It’s a whole …

If you are like most people who actively engage in social media, you probably are also into taking selfies and sending them on their way, to be shared with friends, family and followers across the globe. Now, there’s a more …

I’ve not been hearing much about Pokemon Go, but boy did it cause quite a scurry, with people running around in search of pokemon to collect. Augmented reality is a big thing in gaming, and it’s made headway due to …

If you like Minecraft or any other game that is similar to it, then you owe it to yourself to download Drilla. Drilla is a crafting game that takes you below the surface of the earth to plan, design and …

Not everyone is a whizbang at math, so if you’ve been looking for a fun way to ramp up your arithmetic skills to either be show off or just make them stronger, Crystal Math – Numbers on Speed can help …

Do you play Ruzzle? It’s a fun game, but it can get to be a challenge at times. If you have ever gotten stumped or just wanted a little help to get you past a point that seems to have …

Who would have thought that you could experience curling in the comfort of your home, or work or anywhere. No, you don’t have to go watch it at the Olympics. No, you don’t have to travel to Norway to watch …

As the famous saying goes “curiosity killed cat”. For those who’s mind’s are continuously working, curious in nature, who leave no stone unturned – you have to give the Stoned puzzle app a try. It will send your mind into …

If you love word games, then have I got a great one for you to try. Similar to so many others where you build words from a collection of letters, this one takes a new approach to creating the words. …