If you like Minecraft or any other game that is similar to it, then you owe it to yourself to download Drilla. Drilla is a crafting game that takes you below the surface of the earth to plan, design and build your drilling expedition, in search of treasures and fun explorations.
It’s free to download and comes with in app purchases to give you a boost when you need it. The overall look and feel is very similar to Minecraft, with highly course graphics and cursory movements. The crafting creations come into play when you build your drill, or make replacement parts for when they tire out. You can choose from a wide assortment of parts to make your drill. Try it out for a while to see how it works, then go back and tweak it with other pieces to help it do what you really want it to do.
As you play longer and score more points, you will gain access to more powerful parts that last longer and drill better. There will be all sorts of crystals and stones that you’ll find and can uncover. The trick is to avoid anything or anyone who may get in your way.
Yes, there will be obstacles. Egor is one of them. If you see him approach, you will have to put up some defense mechanism to make sure he does not destroy your drill or take your treasured finds. It’s better to get rid of him sooner than later. There are characters in the game that can help you find treasures and stay on track. They are the gnomes. Yes, gnomes are your friends. They don’t come around very often, but when they do, it’s important to take full advantage of them.
The game itself is fairly easy to play. You start by choosing your drill. The first one will be simple, as you are starting from scratch. From there, you choose your drilling site and start digging. The drill will suck up all of the crystals and treasures that are loosened up and unearthed. As you collect treasures, you get more points, which opens up many more options for pieces to put on your drill. This is extremely important, because the deeper you drill, the more powerful the equipment you’ll need.
The app was fun to play, but was a little busy in terms of layout. It’s probably intended, as you don’t want to make the game too easy, but I would recommend playing this on an iPad rather than on the iPhone.
Other than that, Drilla is a fun new take on crafting games that I think most players out there who are addicted to crafting will really like.