Finding time to take classes can be difficult if you are busy with kids and their activities or have many other things to fit into a busy schedule. We all have things we’d like to pursue, but carving out time …

Do you like to doodle and create captions to make your photos more fun? Adding normal text or frames or anything without movement or uniqueness is ok for a while, but when those words or frames or any graphic you …

Brain teaser games come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. You have those that test your skills with numbers. You have those that are a play on words. If you like challenges that are pattern based and requires some …

If you are the kind of person who likes to add filters and tinker with photos or images, then you need to download Engraver, now. It is very unique and fun image enhancing app, and it takes images of all …

Allow me to start by saying that although this app is in the testing phase, I was still remarkably impressed with the functionality and even more so with the response of the creator to any questions and feedback. If you …

The right tools can increase productivity in a snap. The key is knowing what you need and what tool will meet those needs. Sometimes we don’t know exactly what will fit the bill, and sometimes you stumble upon an app …

A warm bath just before bedtime can be a relaxing way to wash away the day and set yourself up for a long restful night of sleep. Using candles and soothing sounds can add to the calming factor, but if …

Keeping kids busy is not easy task; especially when they are young, inquisitive and active. If you are looking for an app that not only keeps your little ones engaged, but also helps them learn a little about animals, what …

If you’ve had your fill of all those tower defense games out there and think there’s nothing left that can provide the challenge you need to keep things interesting, then look to Module TD. Sci-Fi Tower Defense. It’s a whole …

If you are like most people who actively engage in social media, you probably are also into taking selfies and sending them on their way, to be shared with friends, family and followers across the globe. Now, there’s a more …