Do you know that if you don’t put your brain into active thinking or brainstorming, there are high chances that your mind will be filled with junk? If you agree that brainstorming is good for your health, how often do …

Everyone loves an alien invasion story, but no one knows what to do when the aliens attack. When the portals to another universe open up, chaos brews up in the world and it is placed in an unbalanced state. With …

After announcing the results of an election, many people feel cheated. They assume that their votes didn’t count, and it caused their preferred candidate to lose. Presidential elections have the most participation, which means more people feel cheated after a …

Humans are scared of alien invasions, even if they may not be real. Many people believe there are aliens out there, and they could come to our world anytime to eats us all. Pretty scary! Maybe they are right. What …

It is fun to go to the arcades to play games, use a few quarters, wait in line, and all that arcade stuff. Do you know what’s also fun? Bringing the arcade to you on your mobile phone so that …

Fascination to explore has been one of the most desired wishes of human beings. And today, you don’t actually need to physically attend to meet your desire, rather a virtual experience can well be more thrilling as well as relaxing. …

Arcade games seem to be very easy but not all of them are that easy. For playing Tiger Adventure Run you have to be super concentrated as it takes just one wrong move to lose. It has endless gameplay with …

For a long time, since the beginning of the web, individuals wanted to utilize cash pay for products and services online. It bodes well in light of the fact that a great many people pay with cash in real-life. So …

A lot of games on the Android Market are easy to play and get repetitive and boring after a little while. I’m constantly on the lookout for any new challenging, competitive and creative games. My latest pick is Marble Jetpack. …

The percentage of difficulty in mobile games has always been a juggling dilemma. On one hand developers want the player to be challenged and engaged, and on the other they don’t want the game to be unbeatable. If the game …