My boyfriend and I had AllTracker Silver package installed on both our phones. We got the app with security in mind and it was just there on the phone. We never really used it often, other than to track my …

We are all on the go…going to work, picking up dinner, working out at the gym, meeting friends for lunch. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could find some entertainment while you were running around to help fill the time …

Messaging is fun. Messaging with images and video clips is more fun. Messaging with color and movement is even better. Whether or not you have ever used animation with your messaging, you have to try out MAYU Animate. MAYU Animate …

Are you creative and do you love taking small videos of things that are not quite what they really are? Like, do you take videos of things in a different way so that they don’t look so obvious? Then, do …

We all have things we want to keep safe for the future, but we also want to keep them away from eyes that don’t need to know about what we’ve stored. Most apps that link you to your drives in …

Spree Pop is an iPhone game that available for download on App Store. It’s an ideal pass time for both the novices and avid mobile gamers. I fall into the second category, and I’m offering this unbiased review on the …

Children are the futures of tomorrow any decision we make on them now affects our future and what best way to secure our future other than investing in tour children’s education. Technological advancement has reshaped our everyday life and education …

Calling all card fans who can’t get enough of Solitaire! If you want a game that you can enjoy on your own, but make it a game that lets you compete against friends, then TriPeaks Solitaire has to be on …

Mobile phones over the last 10 years have grown in size and improved in terms of performance. Better processors and internet speed have made mobile devices an integral part of our every day lives. We have reached a point now …

Remember LPs from way back when? When music was played from a record player, musical artists and DJs relished at being able to control music by altering the speed at which it played. Nowadays, with digital media, software is your …