For a long time, since the beginning of the web, individuals wanted to utilize cash pay for products and services online. It bodes well in light of the fact that a great many people pay with cash in real-life. So why won’t they want to use cash online as well? Be that as it may, there was no conceivable method to do it up to this point. And people had no other choice. It is either to submit your credit information somewhere on the web or not participate in online shopping. Recently, a new service created a new reality for us.
The new service that lets you do pay with cash online is called CashtoCode. With CashtoCode, you can purchase on the web using cash.
You can purchase physical products or online services. There is a wide variety of websites that accept CashtoCode, and the payment method is catching up quickly. Soon more and more sites will follow.
How Can It Work?
The procedure is exceptionally basic. In the first place, you have to locate the online service or product you want to purchase. Some products might be your usual shopping like clothes, or perhaps you wish to buy a game or play online casinos. Whatever the case is all you have to do is write the service you are after in the search engine—example – CashtoCode casinos. You will find a full list of websites that accept CashtoCode as a deposit method.
The process is very simple and has only three steps to it. The first is finding the product you want to purchase in a website that accepts CashtoCode deposits. The second is to head over to the cashier area of the store and select CashtoCode. Next, you will receive a QR code that you can use to make payments. The third step is to take the QR code to a physical store where you can make payments. You can find the full list of stores near you on the page where you received the QR code.
Once you arrive at the store, you can pay, and the funds will be added to your balance immediately. The products will be then shipped or delivered! How cool is that?
For what reason would it be advisable for you to use cash online?
Most individuals would not want to uncover their credit information online.
Unfortunately, up until this point, there was no viable way to do so. You had to give your credit information somehow.
Not anymore, now you can use cash for online payments just as quickly as you would purchase any other service. Good luck.