For teams and organizations across the globe, tools that manage campaigns are indispensable. Irrespective of the size of your company, big or small, these tools will make your day’s work comparatively easier. If you are a business owner or a …
Puzzle games, as the name suggests, focus on solving puzzles. It puts into test the problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, which include pattern recognition, swiping, sequence solving, coupled with a bit of logical thinking. Some games are time-constrained, while some …
If you have planned an event ahead and in need of an artist to perform, you must possess the technical know-how in booking a player, musician, poets, professional dancers, and creatives. If you are not aware of the process, you …
If anything needs to be done the honest way, it can only be done anonymously. Anonymity is the biggest contribution of the internet. When you are online, you can mask who you really are and do things that you want …
In the early days, before the invention of calculators, people used various methods for addition and subtraction. Primitive humans used hands and toes to calculate things, which was the simplest way to calculate anything. As people became more civilized, hands …
The world would be a happier place if everyone had a balloon in their hands. Irrespective of age, balloons have enticed everyone into falling in love with them. Be it birthday parties, weddings featuring giant balloons, football matches, or any …
Are you looking for a place to move into? Do you have problems with your landlord and feel cheated? Do you need to speak to people who have similar issues and share your problems with them? Or do you need …
Spatial intelligence or spatial imagination is a must when it comes to various academic fields. In spite of the importance it carries, it is often not included in KG or the primary curriculum. Understanding the spatial IQ and acing it …
There are several play store apps that assist you in keeping track of your day-to-day expenses. Be it personal or business, there exists a broad spectrum of expenses, including rent, provisions, insurance, electricity bills, licenses, and many more. And it …
Pinball is an arcade game that makes use of mechanical arms called flippers to move the silver ball inside a pinball machine. The playfield of a pinball machine houses bumpers, ramps, and colorful lights that are unique. The game is …