As more and more of our communications move via digital media, it is natural that privacy concerns will arise. Just a few years ago, when Edward Snowden leaked the details of a surveillance program, there was a huge ruckus among the powers that be. And digital communications have only increased in volume since then, a trend accompanied by the efforts of technology giants to provide a secure way of communicating. Among the fruits of those efforts is ShazzleChat, a messaging app that never stores your data. How does it do it? Well, it doesn’t collect it in the first place! ShazzleChat works on the principle of peer-to-peer connectivity, which means your data does not go to a centralized server. This decentralized infrastructure guarantees privacy and safeguards your communications from prying eyes. And the best part, ShazzleChat is a free app that you can download from the Play Store.
I am sure you must be wondering that when so many messaging apps are available, why should one bother to download ShazzleChat? The answer is, none of the big names among the messaging service providers offer a decentralized platform. At most, they offer end-to-end encryption but, not being open source, their security and integrity cannot be guaranteed. ShazzleChat, on the other hand, allows the user to have his private network where no middlemen are involved. Signing up on the app is also easy. You can set up your account in a jiffy by just entering your phone number and email, and an optional profile picture. In this case, ShazzleChat is similar to any other messaging app like WhatsApp. It is the underlying technology that makes a difference.

Coming to its interface and usability, ShazzleChat appears to be your typical messenger app at first glance. After setting up your account, you can invite friends or import your phone contacts to begin your private conversations. It also allows you to create groups just like your mainstream messaging apps. Sharing large multimedia files with any number of recipients is also pretty smooth, and there is no limit on the size or content. And though its neutral blue-colored theme is quite appealing to the eyes, I do miss the dark mode.
You cannot overstate its significance, given how data mining companies and governments run after personal information like sharks upon catching a whiff of blood. ShazzleChat is a haven where you can carve out a safe space for your friends, families, or even business partners. By empowering you with control over your privacy, the app gives liberty in the real sense. To further boost your privacy, you can also set up a passcode for the app.
Last year Facebook filed a lawsuit against an Israeli security firm in an incident of a data breach on WhatsApp. In many instances, such compromises with your communication data may not even come to light. According to a report by MidYear QuickView, the first half of the year 2019 witnessed more than 3,800 disclosed breaches. You can only imagine the magnitude of this problem. It is precisely in the context of such reports that apps like ShazzleChat provide a strong bulwark.
With the firm Shazzle, LLC committing itself to uphold the privacy of the individual, you can still expect to safeguard your communications in such an environment. I think it is worth giving the app a shot if privacy and security is your biggest concern.