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Notebooks App – The Perfect Mobile Word Processor

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Having the best word processing tool is the dream of every writer. The world as we know is becoming digital by the day, everything happens on your mobile phone and the best part is, it is with you everywhere you go. Are you a writer with tons of written work and documents with no way of organizing your work? Or imagine you reading through a paper or a magazine and you see something that interests you, could be a job offer or an ad of a store that has something you have been searching for. The right thing to do is to put down this information, but how?   

If you own an iOS device the better, as you can now download the latest version of Notebooks; the Notebooks 10 mobile app. This app is not only perfect for independent writers it is also the best for anyone who needs an app where they can take down notes and edit their texts. This app offers you a word processing platform where you can write, edit, and organize your documents for safekeeping.

There are a variety of features the Notebooks app has to offer that makes it the right choice. The app gives you the option to start a “New Book or an eBook”. This feature allows you to write your own book on your mobile phone. This is a good feature because once you have an idea you can always open your app and put it in, anytime and any day. This app also has a “Formatted Document” feature where you reorganize your text layout like font size and presentation (bold or italics), spacing, alignments, and lists.

It also allows you to insert images, links and location. This app also has a Voice Memo feature, amazing right? With this you can add voice recordings to your documents on the app. You can also turn your written works into tasks with the flick of a switch. This will assist you in keeping up with your work. There are still a bunch of exciting features that are not listed in this article but I can assure you that this app is worth downloading to unlock these amazing features that it offers. This app is an exceptional addition to your iPhone or your iPad, it is recommended for all writers looking for an app to properly organize their work.

The Notebooks 10 app is the best word processing app for all your works, from taking down quick notes to writing your books, eBooks and organizing your documents. This app is available for iOS and Mac devices.

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