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MAYU iMessages – Moving Messages Make Bigger Smiles


Messaging is fun. Messaging with images and video clips is more fun. Messaging with color and movement is even better. Whether or not you have ever used animation with your messaging, you have to try out MAYU Animate.

MAYU Animate is an app that lets users create messages that can be shared across different social media apps. It not only lets you create these messages, but it gives you cool tools to create them with color and animation. No more plain Jane text blocks; now you can send messages that shake and move – grabbing your recipient’s attention like never before!

For a small cost, MAYU packs a lot of functionality in an app that is super easy to use. When you first download the app, it will ask you for permission to use the device’s camera. I highly recommending choosing Yes for this; you’ll need it. Next, the app the will show the one and only screen that’s available in the app. No navigation to different places in the app, all of the functions and add ons you will be applying and playing around with are found on the main screen. Sub screens slide up or down from the bottom and top to give you controls for the function you’ve just chosen.

For example, from the top of the screen, you can start a new message. This is done by tapping on the plus sign icon in the center. After doing this, you can then select the camera icon if you want to take a new picture or use an existing photo from your albums. The next option found at the top of the screen is the ability to send the message via a variety of apps, which include Facebook, Twitter, iMessage and a few others.

Shift your focus to the bottom of the screen and you’ll find icons that let you create and edit text. This is at the very left corner. If you are typing a message for the first time, you can go in and type away. Exit and go back in to change the font. You can also change its coloring.

You can also add or change backgrounds. This works if you already have chosen a photo as a background or not. I was surprised to find that you could add a background even after you chose a photo. The third icon is for adding animation. These are really cool movie clips that overlay your message window and there are several to choose from.

The last icon at the bottom lets you play around with colors. You can even change the lightness and darkness of each color. This works even if you have a photo in the background. The possibilities are endless – you can keep selecting and changing things to see how you like the message. Then, you can play it to see what the end result will be before you send the message.

One small thing I would like added is the ability to edit an existing message. I have created one for practice and liked the colors and animations I ended up with. Then, I went to edit the message to put in what I really wanted, but was unable to. It was as if I needed to create an entirely new message if I wanted different text.

I look forward to that as an update, but until then, look forward to the multiple combinations of colors and animation that I can share with my friends and family. I’ve already gotten some fun feedback already.

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