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The Cryptopouch Pouch – Quick, efficient and education cryptocurrencies app

The Crypto Pouch featured

Crypto currency has been popping a lot more in recent months, in all honesty, due to lack of knowledge I avoided anything that came up with regards to crypto currency. More recently my book club started using cryptocurrency to collect our contributions toward book purchase. I was aware of how to use mobile payment apps but once I got round to downloading Crypto Pouch, I was truly amazed how easy using this currency in fact was.

Crypto Pouch is a free app which aids in introducing the user to crypto currencies. The app itself is free and can be downloaded in a matter of minutes on any android mobile device. The app has an easy to use dashboard which allows you to navigate between the functions with ease.

There are a number of significant functions included in the app and each serves to develop the user’s knowledge and at the same time, provide the user with information and news, exchange rates and more. By simply navigating between the function, you can go from reading news and information on crypto currencies to knowing what the exchange rate for the specific currency.

Users are required to create a login which includes captcha once the app has been downloaded. I appreciate the fact that I can secure my Cryptopouch which will need my username and password whenever logging in. Once you are registered, there are a number of links which allow you to sign up for added functions such as etherwallet and coinbase. This means that all my crypto currency functions can be managed directly from my Ccryptopouch without the hassle of having multiple apps and profiles.

From within the app, I could quickly and efficiently navigate between checking out and monitoring the performance and trends for multiple cryptocurrencies. The only thing I still found a little confusing was what many the abbreviations used to stand for. I am sure that with time or with the support of the Cryptopouch service team, I can improve my knowledge and understanding of these eventually.

Cryptopuch has made it easy to keep all your cryptocurrencies in one single location while also being able to quickly navigate between the functions. The dashboard is easy to use with clearly defined icons that enable you to gain access to the information you are looking for. You are able to link your debit card, bank account and even manage your wallet, quickly and efficiently.

Best of all was the easy to access cryptocurrency guide. This team has taken a lot of time to research the best way to educate the users on using cryptocurrencies. The guide made it possible for me to quickly understand exactly what it all meant and was able to see the efficiency and safety of using cryptocurrencies.

The app is both efficient and educational. If like me you are new to cryptocurrencies, Cryptopouch is definitely the best place to start. If like me you were unsure, start by using the guides and information access from the central dashboard to educate yourself on the currencies, rates and investments.  Although I am nowhere near been an expert, I have learnt a lot from the app, in actual fact and was surprised just how easy it is.

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